Category: Writings

¿Porqué debemos practicar el ayuno Bíblico?

Cinco razones por la cual el ayuno Bíblico debe ser parte de nuestras disciplinas espirituales,  Estas cinco razones son una pequeña introducción de lo que estaré profundizando más…

¿La iglesia local o mi pastor favorito en el internet?

En un momento de mi vida pensé que no era necesario congregarme en una iglesia local, ya que por las redes sociales podía escuchar sermones en la comodidad…

Secure in Him

“We are secure, not because we hold tightly to Jesus, but because he holds tightly to us.” R. C. Sproul

¡Retén lo que tienes!

No obstante, lo que tienen, reténganlo hasta que Yo venga. Al vencedor, al que guarda Mis obras hasta el fin, le daré autoridad sobre las naciones; y las…

Humanity’s Problem

“All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” blaise pascal

Adapted Capacity

Adaptive capacity is the ability to calmly confront the unknown by leading a process of learning while maintaining one’s core convictions and values. In other words, adaptive capacity…


Materialism-a preoccupation with material things-can smother our spiritual life. Jesus told us not to store up treasure on earth and warned us against covetousness. So did the apostle…


We live in an age of excess. Our lack of self-denial and moderation extends to shopping, eating, and how much entertainment we consume. Our lives should stand in…


Sanctification is about our own choices and behavior. It involves work. Empowered by God’s Spirit, we strive (to make a great effort). We fight sin. We study scripture…

The Consequences of Sin

• Sin steals joy. • Sin removes confidence. • Sin brings guilt. • Sin gives Satan the upper hand. • Sin quenches God’s Spirit. • Sin brings physical…


When Christians think like the world and crave things in the world, they will worry like the world.